Raspberry ripple marshmallows

If you're looking for the ultimate edible gift, then give these gorgeous raspberry ripple marshmallows from Chef Bea a go! There are a few steps involved however homemade marshmallows are definitely worth the effort and these will be sure to impress at Christmas or for any special occasion.

Makes 30+

Makes 30+






  • 300g raspberries
  • 12 gelatine leaves (about 20g)
  • 500g granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp liquid glucose
  • 200ml water
  • 2 egg whites
  • Pink food colouring
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 150g cornflour

Cooking instructions

  • Line a large baking tin (about 25cm x 25cm or 18cm x 35cm) with baking paper.
  • Add 200g of the raspberries to a saucepan and stir over a medium-low heat until they start to break down and release all their juices.
  • Tip into a sieve set over a bowl or jug and press the raspberries through to create a smooth juice, discarding the seeds left in the sieve. Set aside.
  • Fill a large shallow dish with cold water and add the gelatine leaves, keeping them all separate. Leave to soften.
  • Add the sugar, liquid glucose and measured water to a deep saucepan (ideally not too wide) and place over a low heat. Allow the sugar to dissolve then increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Place a sugar or kitchen thermometer into the boiling liquid and keep an eye on it as it rises. Place the egg whites in a large bowl with an electric hand whisk ready, or ideally in the bowl of a free-standing mixer with the whisk attachment if you have one. Have an empty large bowl ready next to it.
  • As the thermometer starts to near 125°C, start whisking the egg whites to stiff peaks. Once the syrup reaches 125°C, take it off the heat and slowly pour it into the egg white mixture in a steady stream, whisking continuously.
  • Once all the syrup is whisked in, squeeze out any excess water from the gelatine leaves, which should now be soft and floppy. Add these to the meringue mixture and continue whisking until fully combined.
  • Add the reserved raspberry juice and continue to whisk for about 8-10 minutes or until the mixture is very thick and glossy.  
  • Scoop half the mixture into the empty bowl and quickly whisk in as much food colouring as you like to create a rich, dark pink colour. Gently stir through the remaining 100g of raspberries.
  • Scoop alternate dollops of the pale and dark pink mixtures into the lined tin then gently swirl together with the end of a spoon or flat-bladed knife.
  • Leave to set at room temperature until firm, about 2-3 hours.
  • When set, sift together the icing sugar and cornflour into a large shallow dish or tray. Cut the marshmallow mixture into squares (as large or small as you like!) then toss into the icing sugar mix to coat.
  • Package up between sheets of baking paper (they stick together easily) in gift bags or boxes, or store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Chef's tip

For a more vibrant coating and extra raspberry flavour, mix some freeze-dried raspberry powder in with the icing sugar and cornflour for dusting.